Monday, April 30, 2012

Lovely letter from my daughter Alejandra and Avastin Time

This is the fourth week of my treatment. I am now officially tired. I started today to get Avastin infusions and it is a great drug to fight Glioblastoma, my type of tumor. It is an infusion that takes about 30 minutes. So far all my results look very good, all my blood count are great.

My first infusion of Avastin 4/30/12

I miss my sister Karen, she was here for two short weeks :(  I am excited about the upcoming visit of Ana from San Diego, she will be arriving this Wednesday!!! 

This part is from Ally, my daughter:

Hey everybody! It's Ally.  But you already know that. Oh well. I didn't know what else to write.  Anyway, I want everybody reading this to know that my mom is doing totally AWESOMELY.  yeah.  I love her new haircut.  It's so pretty!!!!!  She is looking gorgeous, as always.  But, I did have a purpose for writing this on my mom's blog.  As you all know, my family and I are going through an especially hard time right now.  So, I have found several ways to cope, including talking it out with my incredibly nice teacher who has also gone through this two times! She is so amazing.  Everybody going through this should have somebody like her.  Another way I have found to cope is by writing about my mom.  If any of you are friends with me on facebook, you might have seen the letters that I write to my mom.  I also like to write letters that nobody sees when I am in literacy class and we have free write time.  I also wrote something about my mom for an assignment in literacy.  Right now in literacy, we are reading a book called The Miracle Worker.  It is about Helen Keller and her amazing teacher, Anne Sullivan.  We had an assignment to write about what we would do if we knew that we only had one day to see.  This is what I wrote, and it is also what I am giving my mom for Mother's Day!  So, if you are reading this Mom, here is your mother's day present a few days early!


Three Days to See

    If I knew that I only had one day to see, then I would want to spend it with my mother and my family.  Although this may seem like a typical response to a question like this, the reasoning I have for it may be more uncommon.  
    I don’t know how long I have to spend with my family all together.  I don’t know how much time I have left with just my mother.  My family is more precious to me than anything else in the world.  To see their faces every day brings joy to mine, no matter what state I had been before seeing them.  They are able to lift the greatest sorrows out of me and replace them with sheer joy, even during the darkest times.  
    My mother has been the best mother that I could have ever asked for to me.  To know that she may collapse at any given time of the day kills me, and I want to spend every waking minute with her.  Without her, I am missing a part of myself, a part of myself that is irreplaceable.  Seeing her beautiful face every day gives me joy, and if I knew that I would never be able to see again, then I wouldn’t be able to live again.
If I had only one day to see my mother again, I would spend the whole time studying every detail of her face, trying to remember every wrinkle, every crevice.  Every oddity that is on her face, because I love everything there.  That way, maybe, just maybe when I have lost the ability to see, I will be able to picture her face in my dreams.  My mother is my angel, my idol, the mother I could only have dreamed of.  To simply think of only being able to see her in my dreams, having no vision of her, would kill me.  I would die inside.  My precious one day to see would be spent with her. 

This is me again Frydel, Ally or Ale as I call you I am so touched by your gift to me, I could not ask for anything more beautiful! Thanks Ally
This past weekend I was tired but found the energy to go the Marta's 50th birthday party and enjoyed time with many of my friend that are so happy with my results. I have received so many great messages in Facebook, thank you all!!

1 comment:

  1. Ale I am so touched with your deep and sincere words and are giving your mom the best soul medicine she could receive: your LOVE.
    I am so happy knowing that you have found a good friend in your teacher to help you cope with your mom illness.

    We are all so proud of you !
    Your mom is so much loved by everybody...she is truthly an Angel...just like you!
