Thursday, April 5, 2012

First Day of Radiation

I has been 4 weeks since I had brain surgery. My life had changed before surgery due to this extra growth inside my head but now I am in full recovery mode. Today was my first day of Radiotherapy but before I made it here I had to go through surgery, rehabilitation that is not all done, visits to multiple doctors and hospitals. I am very hopeful for a full recovery, it will take about 14 months and with the support, love, help and encouragement of all my family and friends I will make it, I know it!

I the last 4 weeks I have been to 3 hospitals. In St. Louis to BarnesJewish Hospital where I had my surgery. Also I consulted there with the oncology department. I followed with a visit to Missouri Baptist Hospital where I found the best option for my treatment. This in turn took me to Duke University where the brain tumor gods reside for a day visit 2 days ago.
Glad to report radiation was just laying down with my head secured for about 10 minutes for radiation.

I am feeling well, so far just a little dizzy. I will have radiation Mon-Fri at 8:50am St. Louis time for 6 weeks. Next will come chemo starting this Saturday that will vary at times but should last most of the 14 months.

I am in peace with cancer and am confident I will have it behind me in the future!!!
In the mean time thanks for all your support, encouragement, help, prayers, care, delicious food, visits, company....
I feel so loved and cared for it brings great joy to my heart and to my recovery.

Many thanks


  1. We love you Frydelita and pray for you every day. It is you that inspires us with your strength and with your uplifting attitude. I'm so happy I will see you very soon. Hang in there hermanita, we all support and love you every day.

  2. You are much...I think that is a great idea to open this blog, that way all the family and friends that care for you can follow your recovery step by step, day by day. Also, other people that is going through the same scary experience at this time can learn and share experiences from your blog.
    luv ya Frydelu!

  3. Thanks for sharing Frydel. This is a great tool for sharing your experiences and feelings. We, who are not physically close to you, can share and be with you. You gives a way to communicate with your to give you support and encourage you in your battle, the least we can do.
    I'm so happy you have your family close by and that you're surrounded by friends who love you.
    Como decimos en México, échale ganas amiga! Nosotros te echamos muchas porras.
    Te quiero mucho,

  4. Frydel que bueno que compartas con amigos lo que has denominado "Cancer Adventure".
    El poder leer tu blog me hace sentir mas cerca. Te felicito por tu actitud, que excelente ejemplo para todos. Te quiero mucho y que sigas disfrutando esos dias de spring que tanto extraño...
    Bssss, Mima
    PS. Ademas eres un genio para esto del blog y las fotos, se me olvidaba que eres high tech. Yo en cambio llevo tratando de publish este comment y creo que no lo voy a lograr ...
