Friday, April 6, 2012

Another Day

Today was a beautiful day in St. Louis!! The sun was out although it was a little chilly. We've had an early spring, lots of lovely blooms.
This is day 2 of radiation, it is very short, just 10 minutes. I feel a little dizzy during the day but so far so good!! Like a slight buzz.
Tomorrow I start chemotherapy and here it comes, another unknown.

So I guess I should start telling you how this Glioma happened to show up inside my brain, not that anybody knows ;). Apparently it is a very aggressive and fast growing brain tumor, the doctor told me I probably only had it for 2 months. Well sometime towards the end February I noticed I could not write, very strange!! This was followed by limping, balance problems and then I went to see my general doctor. He referred me to a neurologist, a peruvian, Dr. Benzaquen, he thought I had a balance issue but upon further testing decided I should get an MRI. On Friday March 2 I had the test and was asked to come to Dr. Benzaquen's office where I was told I had a mass inside my brain that needed to be removed quickly. I am not sure if it was the tumor effect but I was very calm. The following Monday I went to see Dr. Chicoine an amazing Neurosurgeon. My memory gets a little fuzzy after this, he did testing all day. My surgery was on Thursday March 8th, it took about 6 hrs, when I woke up I was in intensive care where I stayed for about 3 days. I was able to speak, however it seems not very coherently.When my vitals finally were normal I was sent to a regular room for a couple of days. I was not very mobile and as a result of the tumor have lost my short term memory and some mobility on the right side of my body. The tumor was located on the left side of my brain.

Well, that is all for today!!! Tomorrow we have family coming from Minneapolis for the weekend! We will be celebrating Passover and Easter. Should be a great weekend.

Thanks to all for your prayers, thoughts, blessings...

 Sunday Brunch at the Boathouse - St. Louis, MO


  1. Frydel, I'm so far from you, and I am not able to do anything ...but I want you to know that I care so much about what is happening to you...I truly care.
    You are incredible and I'm sure you will win this battle against cancer, because you have the necessary strength and the positive attitude.
    I read these words once: < If you view illness as an opportunity, then when you get sick, you can ask yourself, "Okay, what can I learn from this disease. What do I need to look at first?"> I always thought that if someone gets ill this would be a hard thing to do, but as I see, this is exactly what you're doing, Frydel. And you're doing it very well!!!

  2. Milagros yo te siento cerca a mi a pesar de la distancia. Se que estas pensando en mi. Esto me da energia para seguir adelante porque se que este es solo un contratiempo que pasara y mi vida seguira. Asi que en Septiembre nos veremos en Espana para los caminos?

    Con esta enfermedad he aprendido que solo las cosas realmente importantes de la vida como la familia, los amigos y una actitud positiva ayudan a salir adelante y hasta le dan energias a los que tienen miedo porque yo no tengo miedo, estoy lista para lo que venga!!

  3. Frydel, que Dios te bendiga amiga,que fortaleza y tu forma de ser tan positiva, nos das una leccion. Orgullosa de conocerte y cada dia le pido a Dios que te de fortaleza y si que la tienes flaquita. Adelante este mundo es de los fuertes y si que lo eres. Dios te bendiga !!
