Wednesday, December 12, 2012

What a check up!!!!!!

We were at Duke and I am just done with my latest check up and everything looks fantastic. 6 more chemo treatments and I will be done, yeah, so happy!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for all your support, we will be celebrating this holiday for the blessings we have!! Great holiday present!!!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Great Juice and Yoga

Today I welcomed the day with a smoothie from my Vitamix 5200 and yoga. I have been making smoothies for a long time, I believe that because of my healthy eating I am healing so well. I used to make the juice but now my husband makes it and I add some extra ingredients for extra nutrition.  Today's juice had fresh ginger, cinnamon, chia seeds, wheat germ, flax seed, graviola powder, apple, pear, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, kale, spinach, celery, beets, beet greens, carrots, acai, orange juice, apple juice and for mine I added fresh rosemary from my garden, soy milk and pomegranate seeds. I share the juice with Elliot's mom, Susan.
Our daughter Alejandra does not like to drink, I hope some day she does. Stephen and Nicole love the juice, I am looking forward to enjoying it with them when they come for the holidays.

Yoga is another wonderful practice that has helped tremendously with my recovery. As I have written before, I am forever thankful to my friend Monica for working with me during my recovery. She is now living in Argentina and I hope once I am done with my treatment, about June 2013 or sooner I will visit her and family.

Now I have discovered Laughter Yoga and I love it.

Backyard today
Last day of November and it feels like spring!! It is sunny and beautiful outside!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

November another great month

It has been a while since I posted and it is long overdue!! I have great news, my recovery continues wonderfully. In about 2 weeks I will be back at Duke for the bi-monthly check up, I expect just the confirmation of how well I am doing!!

November started with a trip to Orlando to meet with my sisters, we had a fun time, enjoyed the nice weather and the company. We had Halloween in Orlando, some shopping, and mostly taking it easy for me. Karen, Luca and Patty went to a couple of parks. One before I arrived and another one the day before we left. It was a short visit and it was so nice to spend time together.

The second week brought visitors from my school days in Peru. My friend Gaby and I organized a reunion with friends from Maria Reina, I spent my elementary school years there.  We expected mostly friends that live in the USA but we were also fortunate to have 2 girls that live in Peru travel to St. Louis for the weekend. We had 7 classmates arrive in St. Louis over the weekend. It started with two friends from LA on Thursday Nov. 8th, Elena B and Mariela, we had a nice lunch at the History Museum after a drive around Forest Park, it was a lovely day with Fall colors in full display. Gaby took over in the evening since I had to take my daughter Alejandra to violin lessons. The following day, Friday, most of the group arrived starting with Ani from Columbus, OH, we had a great brunch together at Osage. Next, Elena Q and her daughter Amber arrived by car from Minnesota after noon, and Liz a little later. We now had 5 classmates and Amber, we took everybody for a drive in Forest park, the group visited the Zoo and the Art Museum where we met to go to the famous St. Louis Arch in the evening and had dinner at Mango a great Peruvian restaurant.
On Saturday we had 3 arrivals, starting with Maria Pia and her husband Felipe and our last friend flying from Washington DC, Conchi.
We had a busy day planned visiting a variety of St. Louis attractions, starting with the Anheuser Busch brewery followed by a visit to the Arch and we ended at the hill for dinner. Maria Pia, was not able to join us for the earlier visits. Later after the Arch Maria Pia, Felipe, her husband and Renato, Gaby's husband joined us for dinner. A great time was had by all and I was very tired after all the activity so I went home with Elena and her daughter Amber to rest. The rest of the group went country dancing to Illinois.
Early Sunday morning I was sad to see Elena Bosio leave, but grateful she came, she is truly a joy.
During all this commotion my husband was in Brazil on a business trip, he arrived Sunday morning and we all went to the Boathouse for brunch.
Boathouse, Forest Park, St. Louis

Inside the Boathouse, missing Elena Bosio
We had wonderful Fall weather until Sunday. The day started cloudy so we had to change plans for the afternoon. We spent time at Elliot's parents home where some of my friends were staying. We had a book signing with Ani who had brought her books to share. Mid afternoon the rain started.
In the evening they prepared a delicious meal with Causa, my request, wonderful appetizers, some amazing salads and grilled chicken and ribs.  Amber made a great Alfajor that was amazing.
The following day Mariela and Ani came with me to get my Avastin infusion. It was quite a weekend with all the powerful energies of friendship and love. It is great for my heart and health. I want to thank each them from the bottom of my heart for being here with me and thank my friend Gaby for being a big part of this weekend!!

Bumper sticker in Elena Q's car

Book signing at the Uchitelles'

My buddies Mariela and Ani keeping getting a hand massage during my chemo.

After the great weekend I had a surprise for my friend Monica who was leaving St. Louis for Argentina. I invited her and Gaby to see Chuck Berry perform live at Blueberry Hill. We were all there for the first time, Chuck is 87 years old and still performing, it was a fantastic evening.

At the Chuck Berry Concert

Chuck Berry live!!!

This past weekend was Thanksgiving and so much to be thankful for. We all traveled to Oxford, Maryland were we met Stephen and Nicole at the airport in Baltimore. We drove to Oxford and spent the holiday with Ben and Susan, Becky, Dave, Alicia and Sam and we missed Liz and her family. We celebrated, visited St. Micheal's, did some yoga, played bananagrams.

Great games of Bananagrams
A little yoga after the great meals!

We made time to visit our friends in Virginia,  Sole Valera and her kids and her sister Tere, we missed her husband Tono who was working. The following morning it was time to go back, Nicole to Oberlin, OH and Stephen to LA and back to St. Louis for Elliot, Ale and I. Looking forward to December when we will be together again.

At the Rivera Valera family visiting

With Elliot

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

October and the good news continue

Hello Family and friends,

It has been a long time but all is going well, very well. Since my last post I traveled to Italy with my hubby for a week and I now can drive when not in treatment!!! That means I cannot drive for 5 or 6 days a month. So I CAN drive most of the time.Yeah!!!

 Visiting Siena, wonderful city

 At Night

Duomo in Siena

 Fonte Gaia, Piazza del Campo

 Fonte Gaia, Piazza del Campo
Piazza del Campo

Torre del Mangia, Siena

Castelo San Sirmione

San Sirmione

Duomo, Milan

Duomo, Milan

La Scala, Milan

Amazing home with Philosophers Statues in Milan

Great Food in Milan

Fonte Gaia, Siena

In September I had the visit of a dear high school friend from Peru, Patty Delaney. Went to Italy the same month. Now I am planning to get together with my sisters in Orlando on Halloween!! I will be in Florida for a few days.

At home with Stephen, Nicole and my mom.

At Deweys Pizza with Patty Delaney and Liz Uchitelle visiting

With Patty Delaney at the Clayton Art Fair

Art Fair with Gaby, Eli, Patty and my mom

Last week I went to see my neurosurgeon Dr. Chicoine at Wash U and he confirmed I was doing great and will not have to go back to see him for 4 months!!! My last MRI looked very clean, it is an amazing result. I can see different faces in all my doctors, it is remarkable. It  confirms what I was told at Duke and by my local oncologist Dr. Schultz. It is so wonderful and I feel better everyday.

Since the start of August I have been getting acupuncture and chinese teas. The tea looks like coffee but sometimes it taste terrible, but I feel so much better since I started with the chinese remedies.

In early November I will have a group of friends from Maria Reina come to spend the weekend in St. Louis with my friend Gaby and me, it should be a fun time, I am looking forward to seen my classmates from elementary school!!

Now I have ahead of me about 7 more months to finish my treatment and we will see.
Here the weather is getting colder and my hair is coming back!!

Thanks for all your support, prayers, wishes, I am so blessed with great family and friends.
Love to all of you!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

August Great news and visits

Started August with my sister Karen and her son Luca with us. We had a nice visit, including a trip to Chicago. Nicole was with us and she was helping with my care and cleaning the basement, she did a great job. We all enjoyed visiting museums and going to concerts.
With Luca at Plush in St. Louis

After concert at Washington University with Luca and Karen

Alejandra came back from camp where she had a wonderful time. Tired but happy. She has a great group of friends from camp. She started training for the Softball team.

Karen and Luca left for Florida and we miss them.

The week of my birthday we went to Duke for my check up and all looks great, yeah!!! At Durham we also had a wonderful visit with Monica Cooper Levitan, from high school in Peru. It was fun to see her and share a nice cuban meal together.
 We celebrated my birthday with a surprise visit to my home from my friends in St. Louis and a dinner out with the family. We missed Stephen and Kela.

At Vin de Set. check out the arch in the background with Nicole, Luca, Karen and me.

Brunch at Plush, delicious!!!

With Monica in Durham

Birthday dinner at Sidney Street Cafe

Nicole left for Oberlin and Kela and Stephen arrived. With Kela we went to a TaiChi retreat along with Monica, it was a very nice weekend, very relaxing. 

This month I started using acupuncture and chinese herbs for my chemo and it is working very well, I am very glad. however I have to prepare teas that look like coffee and drink it twice a day. I do feel like a pincushion with all the needles I get but it works!!!

My friend Susan from high school in Peru was in St. Louis and we had a great visit. Now that I can drive my life has changed, I took her to the boathouse and showed her Forest Park. We went to Augusta to visit MABA, the buddhist temple, with her sister and brother in law. It was a great visit.

Lily pond at MABA

Augusta, MO with Elliot, Lucho and Milagros

Augusta, MO with Susan

Celebrating my birthday with St. Louis friends
Celebrated my birthday with latin friends in St. Louis. Stephen is still here as is my mother. We will be celebrating another birthday before he leaves for LA.

Visited my oncologist this Monday and I just get good news, all is going well.  I am not done with my treatments but have found using acupuncture and chinese herbs is working great for me!!! Less pills more tea.

My hair is making a comeback!! I now have fuzz in the areas where there was no hair. So who knows, maybe by next year I will have some more hair!!!

Thankful for being here and my wonderful friends and family.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Great Summer news

It has been a really long time since I last wrote, sorry for the long pause. I have been tired with treatments, visiting doctors but we are now getting into a routine. It goes like this every 2 weeks I get the Avastin infusion, had one this past Monday and every 28 days I start my chemo cycle of Temedor, 5 days of chemo 23 days off.  Theses are the times when I am tired and sleepy when I actually get my treatments, after I stop the effects lessen gradually.
I am very excited because this past Monday we were informed by Genentech the company that produces Avastin will not charge the hospital for the drug I need, we were very concerned as this was not covered by insurance and it is a big relief. Avastin is a very expensive drug and from the insurace world it should only be used when there is a recurrence of the GBM (Glioblastoma Multiforme). Lucky for me I have not had a recurrence which also meant no coverage!!!
I have had wonderful visits from my friends Monica, my super fantastic yogui, my good friend Alejandra who lives in California, it was wonderful to have her here and now my sister Karen and her son from Paris. In addition all my St. Louis friends always checking on me and helping when I cannot drive.
Nicole, my daughter went to Indonesia for 4 weeks and is now back to help me. Stephen who stayed here for 1 1/2 months is in LA, he will be back in mid August.  My mom Kela will be back in mid August.
In the past few months I have recovered nicely, I now have permission from the doctor to start driving again, I will take this slowly for sure.  I have been very lucky since I had no seizures.
Finally the basement was cleaned by Nicole and Elliot and will be making a nice play/family room there. It is completely gutted so we will start from the very beginning.
Ally our youngest daughter is at camp for a few more days. She has been wonderful, all her cabin mates wrote me letters and it was very sweet and inspiring.
Next week we will be going to Duke for the 2 month check up. I will have my MRI here in St. Louis Monday before I leave for Duke Tuesday. My recovery is amazing!!!
This past weekend Elliot and I went to Chicago and had a wonderful time, such a great city. We also met there our St. Louis friends Eli, Pedro, Claudia that came with my sister Karen and Luca, other friends were my yogui Monica and family and Monica and Fernando and family joined us too, a good time was had by all.
I have more good new to come and continue my recovery.
Thank each one of you for all your support and prayers. You all make a great difference in my life and recovery.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I am back after a long break. No news is good news and it is certainly the case with me. After I finished with radiation and chemotherapy my results have been excellent. We went for my check up at Duke and the nurse could not believe the scan she was looking at was from the same person!!! After part 1 of my treatment I had a 3 week break from all treatment except Avastin, I get a dose every 2 weeks. On June 12th I started again with chemotherapy, more that doubling the Temidor dose I was receiving with radiation. I will be taking chemo pills for 5 days and resting 23 days, so I am on a 28 day program. This will last for 12 months more or less, then I will be done if it all remains clean.

Today I spoke with JJ, a woman from Boston who had Glioblastoma Multiforme Grade 4 like me 9 years ago. She is doing great and has been well for several years after her treatment stopped. She could not be operated due to the location of her tumor. She was very impressed with my progress.

My children are all here, it is wonderful to have all 3 of them here. Stephen is working remotely with his office in LA, Nicole is here for the summer but leaving for Indonesia this Sunday, she will be there 4 weeks. Alejandra is 14 so she has a few more years with us. She is going to Birchwood camp in July for 4 weeks. We are all getting ready to go to Minnesota for the weekend and from there Ale, Elliot, his parents and me will be going to Beaver Creek for a week of violin camp for Ale. Looking forward to being in the mountains.

Keep me in your thoughts and prayers. Thanks for all your support.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Doing Great!!!!!

Radiation preparation


At the buddist Temple in Augusta, MO with Moni Yogui

It has been two weeks since my last post, a lot going on, all good.  I am feeling stronger everyday, my sister Patty and my mom are here. My daughter Nicole is a wonderful help. Ale is getting ready to be promoted from 8th grade, she will be in high school next year, not only that she is also taller than me!!
Avastin has worked very well for me, I believe it has helped my recovery, yeah!!  I am almost done with radiation, only 3 more days, and will be done with chemo by next weekend. Looking forward to the break! I will be getting a makeover tomorrow courtesy of the cancer program, I will make sure to get some pictures.

Vietnamese Food with Ana Banana
The weekend before this one we had the visit of our lovely Ana from San Diego/Ecuador. We had a wonderful time with her. She gave me a great french manicure, we did yoga in Tower Grove Park, went to the Farmers Market. Went to her favorite Vietnamese restaurant in St. Louis, I could take you there but I cannot remember the name.

My good friend Lucia will be arriving tomorrow in St. Louis with her daughter Claudia, very cool. I am looking forward to visiting with them.  I will have a very busy day tomorrow; starting with radiation, visit to the radiologist, blood test, makeover, Avastin infusion in the afternoon and going to a Card-Cubs game in the afternoon with friends from Chicago. I should be nice and tired by the evening.

I am also looking forward to my son Stephens' visit. He will be working remotely from St. Louis for 2 months!! Sad to see my sister Patty and my mom leave. My sister Patty leaves on Tuesday back to Palm Bay, she may come back, and my mom leaves on Friday for about a month to Peru!!
Look mom no hair!!

Also, as a result of my treatments I was loosing quite a bit of hair so I had my head shaven, it felt great, I was tired of my hair falling all over the place but now my head is two colors, like jing and jang. It looks like some of my hair is now blonde or very light. Well it will be interesting.
Crown Candy

Continue to do yoga everyday with Monica, we have started going out to different locations outside, this past week we did yoga under the Arch followed by lunch at Crown Candy, a first for Moni Yogui and my sister Patty. We had a great time.
With Ale and Nicole
All the girls at Laumier Sculpture Park

Today we spent part of Mother's Day at Laumier Sculpture Park. They have an art fair every year on Mother's day weekend but this year they offered brunch provided by Whole Foods, it was delicious and the art fair was very neat. Was a wonderful way to spend the day. Ale is getting ready for her promotion so we bought her some really neat shoes. I have a lot coming up but will try to keep updating my blog regularly.

Thanks for all your support.