Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Great Summer news

It has been a really long time since I last wrote, sorry for the long pause. I have been tired with treatments, visiting doctors but we are now getting into a routine. It goes like this every 2 weeks I get the Avastin infusion, had one this past Monday and every 28 days I start my chemo cycle of Temedor, 5 days of chemo 23 days off.  Theses are the times when I am tired and sleepy when I actually get my treatments, after I stop the effects lessen gradually.
I am very excited because this past Monday we were informed by Genentech the company that produces Avastin will not charge the hospital for the drug I need, we were very concerned as this was not covered by insurance and it is a big relief. Avastin is a very expensive drug and from the insurace world it should only be used when there is a recurrence of the GBM (Glioblastoma Multiforme). Lucky for me I have not had a recurrence which also meant no coverage!!!
I have had wonderful visits from my friends Monica, my super fantastic yogui, my good friend Alejandra who lives in California, it was wonderful to have her here and now my sister Karen and her son from Paris. In addition all my St. Louis friends always checking on me and helping when I cannot drive.
Nicole, my daughter went to Indonesia for 4 weeks and is now back to help me. Stephen who stayed here for 1 1/2 months is in LA, he will be back in mid August.  My mom Kela will be back in mid August.
In the past few months I have recovered nicely, I now have permission from the doctor to start driving again, I will take this slowly for sure.  I have been very lucky since I had no seizures.
Finally the basement was cleaned by Nicole and Elliot and will be making a nice play/family room there. It is completely gutted so we will start from the very beginning.
Ally our youngest daughter is at camp for a few more days. She has been wonderful, all her cabin mates wrote me letters and it was very sweet and inspiring.
Next week we will be going to Duke for the 2 month check up. I will have my MRI here in St. Louis Monday before I leave for Duke Tuesday. My recovery is amazing!!!
This past weekend Elliot and I went to Chicago and had a wonderful time, such a great city. We also met there our St. Louis friends Eli, Pedro, Claudia that came with my sister Karen and Luca, other friends were my yogui Monica and family and Monica and Fernando and family joined us too, a good time was had by all.
I have more good new to come and continue my recovery.
Thank each one of you for all your support and prayers. You all make a great difference in my life and recovery.


  1. My dear Frydel,you are such a champion! I am so happy you are on remission! Praying for your full recovery as I know your character helps in fighting this GBM. I hope I could go see you. Are we still planning to go in October, right? I am going to a conference in Bali so I will need your feedback! Your pictures from your trip were lovely. I am a USC graduate now so I will just tell you FIGHT ON! Never my school shout has meant so much.

    I love you and admire you,

  2. Frydel and family! This is tremendous news and we couldn't be happier for you. Your positive energy is an example for all of us. With much love and all the best!!! Pittsburgh Harris family!
