Wednesday, October 24, 2012

October and the good news continue

Hello Family and friends,

It has been a long time but all is going well, very well. Since my last post I traveled to Italy with my hubby for a week and I now can drive when not in treatment!!! That means I cannot drive for 5 or 6 days a month. So I CAN drive most of the time.Yeah!!!

 Visiting Siena, wonderful city

 At Night

Duomo in Siena

 Fonte Gaia, Piazza del Campo

 Fonte Gaia, Piazza del Campo
Piazza del Campo

Torre del Mangia, Siena

Castelo San Sirmione

San Sirmione

Duomo, Milan

Duomo, Milan

La Scala, Milan

Amazing home with Philosophers Statues in Milan

Great Food in Milan

Fonte Gaia, Siena

In September I had the visit of a dear high school friend from Peru, Patty Delaney. Went to Italy the same month. Now I am planning to get together with my sisters in Orlando on Halloween!! I will be in Florida for a few days.

At home with Stephen, Nicole and my mom.

At Deweys Pizza with Patty Delaney and Liz Uchitelle visiting

With Patty Delaney at the Clayton Art Fair

Art Fair with Gaby, Eli, Patty and my mom

Last week I went to see my neurosurgeon Dr. Chicoine at Wash U and he confirmed I was doing great and will not have to go back to see him for 4 months!!! My last MRI looked very clean, it is an amazing result. I can see different faces in all my doctors, it is remarkable. It  confirms what I was told at Duke and by my local oncologist Dr. Schultz. It is so wonderful and I feel better everyday.

Since the start of August I have been getting acupuncture and chinese teas. The tea looks like coffee but sometimes it taste terrible, but I feel so much better since I started with the chinese remedies.

In early November I will have a group of friends from Maria Reina come to spend the weekend in St. Louis with my friend Gaby and me, it should be a fun time, I am looking forward to seen my classmates from elementary school!!

Now I have ahead of me about 7 more months to finish my treatment and we will see.
Here the weather is getting colder and my hair is coming back!!

Thanks for all your support, prayers, wishes, I am so blessed with great family and friends.
Love to all of you!