Sunday, May 13, 2012

Doing Great!!!!!

Radiation preparation


At the buddist Temple in Augusta, MO with Moni Yogui

It has been two weeks since my last post, a lot going on, all good.  I am feeling stronger everyday, my sister Patty and my mom are here. My daughter Nicole is a wonderful help. Ale is getting ready to be promoted from 8th grade, she will be in high school next year, not only that she is also taller than me!!
Avastin has worked very well for me, I believe it has helped my recovery, yeah!!  I am almost done with radiation, only 3 more days, and will be done with chemo by next weekend. Looking forward to the break! I will be getting a makeover tomorrow courtesy of the cancer program, I will make sure to get some pictures.

Vietnamese Food with Ana Banana
The weekend before this one we had the visit of our lovely Ana from San Diego/Ecuador. We had a wonderful time with her. She gave me a great french manicure, we did yoga in Tower Grove Park, went to the Farmers Market. Went to her favorite Vietnamese restaurant in St. Louis, I could take you there but I cannot remember the name.

My good friend Lucia will be arriving tomorrow in St. Louis with her daughter Claudia, very cool. I am looking forward to visiting with them.  I will have a very busy day tomorrow; starting with radiation, visit to the radiologist, blood test, makeover, Avastin infusion in the afternoon and going to a Card-Cubs game in the afternoon with friends from Chicago. I should be nice and tired by the evening.

I am also looking forward to my son Stephens' visit. He will be working remotely from St. Louis for 2 months!! Sad to see my sister Patty and my mom leave. My sister Patty leaves on Tuesday back to Palm Bay, she may come back, and my mom leaves on Friday for about a month to Peru!!
Look mom no hair!!

Also, as a result of my treatments I was loosing quite a bit of hair so I had my head shaven, it felt great, I was tired of my hair falling all over the place but now my head is two colors, like jing and jang. It looks like some of my hair is now blonde or very light. Well it will be interesting.
Crown Candy

Continue to do yoga everyday with Monica, we have started going out to different locations outside, this past week we did yoga under the Arch followed by lunch at Crown Candy, a first for Moni Yogui and my sister Patty. We had a great time.
With Ale and Nicole
All the girls at Laumier Sculpture Park

Today we spent part of Mother's Day at Laumier Sculpture Park. They have an art fair every year on Mother's day weekend but this year they offered brunch provided by Whole Foods, it was delicious and the art fair was very neat. Was a wonderful way to spend the day. Ale is getting ready for her promotion so we bought her some really neat shoes. I have a lot coming up but will try to keep updating my blog regularly.

Thanks for all your support.